The Unknown

The Vast Unknown

Often times when I sit down in front of this computer to type out my Monday blog, I stop for a moment and pray just to ask the Lord for something to write about. 

I don't purpose to write about anything in particular when I sit down many times, but I just let my hands float over the keys and type about what the Lord might bring to mind. 

Some might say that is dangerous, others might praise me for the freedom to write about whatever I chose, but to be honest, as I sit down today, I really am unsure of what to write about. 

I sit here with many different things on my mind, and I'm thinking forward to planning our church's Vacation Bible School coming up in July, I'm thinking about the upcoming Faith Baptist Bible College Choral Program on April 2nd, and our Faith Baptist Bible College Orchestra and Handbells Concert Program on April 9th. I'm thinking about our special Resurrection Sunday Sunrise Service at 6:45 AM on April 16th followed by our breakfast at 8:30 AM and our Regular Morning Service that day at 10:30 AM. My mind wanders to the upcoming Business Meeting we will have in April as well. 

Also on my thoughts are the upcoming New Church Members class I will be teaching, which will be followed by our Baptism Class, and then a new Men's Class starting later this spring that I will be organizing and teaching. 

My heart is also being tugged by the recent home going of a friend of mine's wife, as well as a wife of one of our church members who has recently been placed in hospice waiting to see her Savior face to face. I'm struggling with the fact that although it is for the Lord's glory I will soon be saying, "Good-bye" to a good friend of mine that I have grown close to over the past three years as he and his wife will be going to the mission field of Peru, and another wonderful family of our church will be moving to Denver the exact same week in April. 

To admit that I'm a little overwhelmed might be an understatement. 

Unless you are a pastor, you may never completely know the heartache and types of struggles that leaders of a flock of God can go through. 

Yet, as scripture says, “Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble."

Sufficient... an interesting word to chose... definition: "enough or adequate"

In my personal opinion, I would almost say, "More than enough for the day is its own trouble." 

To think about the number of decisions that we make on a daily basis, and the woe and consequences often times that those decisions alone can provide to combine that with the decisions that we have to make yet for tomorrow, the day after, and as far into the future as we are planning, more than enough are those problems! 

Obviously planning is a big part of our lives, and things must be taken into account.... but how often do we worry about something that we have absolutely no control over? 

I'm thankful that regardless of the mistakes that I make, the consequences that I might face in my daily life, and my downfalls that I'm still held in the hand of my Savior, and nothing can seperate me from His love. 
